
How to integrate SenseCAP T1000 Tracker from Seeed Studio

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SenseCAP T1000 is a LoRaWAN® tracker powered by Semtech LR1110. It utilizes GNSS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth for outdoor and indoor location tracking. Its compact size, self-geo-adaptive capabilities, local data storage, and long battery life make it perfect for various monitoring applications. Additionally, it features temperature, light, and motion sensors for versatile use.
Learn more here. 


  1. Login to Traxmate and create your building(s).
  2. Deploy more Wi-Fis and/or Bluetooth beacons (if needed).
  3. Perform an indoor survey to check the provided accuracy of your already installed Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth infrastructure.
  4. Make a new indoor survey to validate.
  5. Either repeat the above steps or start using the indoor positioning solution.
  6. Connect SenseCAP T1000 LoRaWAN Tracker to TTN ( The Things Network) and send data to Traxmate.

Deploy the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Beacons

If you do not already have Wi-Fi access points or Bluetooth beacons installed, you can deploy a new infrastructure optimized for positioning. Most existing Wi-Fi access points are typically positioned for optimal data connection range and performance. When considering positioning for accuracy, scatter the access points and beacons and keep them close to corners and walls. Place them at a higher density in areas where you want higher accuracy.


Bluetooth beacons are most often battery powered, and can then more easilybe deployed. Wi-Fi access points have a longer range. A dense grid of Bluetooth beacons provides better accuracy than a sparse grid of Wi-Fi access points. Check E5 Bluetooth Location Beacon Deployment for more details.

Add Places

Navigate to Places -> Add New, then click the map or search for an address or a name, click the Add place popup and submit the details.

To enable indoor positioning, you need to specify the number of floors in the building and upload floor maps for each floor. 

  • For each building, specify the number of floors
  • Upload detailed floor plans (PNG or JPEG) for each floor where you want to enable indoor positioning.
  • After uploading the file, you can use tools to scale, rotate, and position it correctly on the map. There’s also a tool to crop the PNG or JPEG file to match the shape of the building.
  • On each floor plan in the Traxmate Dashboard, you should add the respective level height associated with them in Indicate Level Height. Start from the lowest floor with 0 meters, then add up the respective meters to the higher ones


After setting up the building, click SAVE.

Do the survey

When you are done with floor maps it is time to perform the survey by using the Combain Indoor Survey APP ( Android version)

    1. Download the “Combain AR Indoor Survey” app from the Play Store here: Combain Indoor Survey – Apps on Google Play
      Install it and start the app. 
    2. Grant all permissions from app prompts, usually, it is 5 prompts; “Take pictures and record video”, “Device location”, “Physical activity”, “Relative position” and “Allow notifications”.
    3. Log in using your Traxmate account

To make a survey and create Radio Environment Models, follow this guide.


Android typically limits how often apps can scan for Wi-Fi; it is set to once every 30 seconds. To get a more accurate survey, you are recommended to turn off this throttling.
You have to set Android in developer mode to do this:
Go to Settings > Developer options > find “Wi-Fi scan throttling” > disable it (or Settings>System>Advanced>Developer options).

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