Traxmate Location Controller

Advanced Positioning Service Aggregator including Security, Protocol Translation, Power Optimization, Distribution & Fusion Location

In a world where precision and reliability are crucial, the Traxmate Location Controller (TLC) is a cutting-edge solution for combining and merging multiple outdoor and indoor positioning services. It is designed for environments where accuracy and performance are essential and seamlessly integrates various technologies to provide the highest possible positioning accuracy.

With support for advanced communication protocols, robust security features, data distribution, and device power consumption optimization, the TLC is the foundation of any advanced location-based service infrastructure.

Traxmate offers a comprehensive, flexible, and secure solution for aggregating and managing positioning services across a wide range of applications. Whether you need the highest level of accuracy, the flexibility to integrate with multiple services, or the security to protect sensitive data, Traxmate delivers the performance and reliability your business demands.

In short

  • Positioning service aggregator providing fusion of multiple services
  • 4G/5G/Wi-Fi/BLE/GNSS
  • Combain, Semtech, Google, …
  • Multiple bearers and transport protocols (TCP, HTTPs, MQTT, LwM2M)
  • Radio technology and hardware agnostic
  • Fusion of several services simultaneously to provide the highest position accuracy
  • Forwarding of resolved positions to any or multiple subscriber clients, where positioning services only answer an API caller
  • Power and accuracy optimization by selecting positioning service on the fly
  • Security – Authorization and Authentication

Positioning Service Aggregator for Superior Accuracy

The Traxmate Location Controller (TLC) combines data from different sources like cell locations from 4G/5G networks, Wi-Fi access points, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons, and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) to provide accurate and reliable positioning. TLC integrates with various positioning services providers, including industry leaders like Combain, Semtech, and Google, allowing you to customize your location services for global coverage, low-power applications, or complex indoor environments. This multi-service fusion ensures precise and reliable positioning, essential for applications like personal safety, asset management, emergency response, and high-security environments.

Support for Multiple Bearers and Transport Protocols​

The Traxmate Location Controller supports a wide range of network environments and technical requirements. It can work with bearers and transport protocols like TCP, HTTPS, MQTT, LoRaWAN, and Lightweight M2M (LwM2M).

This broad support for protocols ensures smooth communication and data transfer across different systems and devices, making the controller a great choice for IoT applications, mobile deployments, and complex network infrastructures. Whether you are integrating with older systems or setting up a new IoT network, the Traxmate Location Controller’s protocol flexibility offers the compatibility and scalability needed.

Radio Technology and Hardware Agnostic for Maximum Compatibility​

One of Traxmate Location Controller’s key strengths is its agnostic approach to radio technology and hardware. It can work with any compatible radio technology and device, allowing you to choose the best hardware for your specific needs without being locked into a particular vendor. This flexibility reduces costs and allows for greater innovation and customization in location-based solutions.

Whether deploying a new system or upgrading an existing one, the Traxmate Location Controller adapts to your environment, ensuring a seamless integration process.

Simultaneous Service Fusion for Unmatched Accuracy

To achieve the highest levels of positioning accuracy, the Traxmate Location Controller is capable of combining multiple services at the same time. By analyzing and merging data from various sources in real time, the controller provides a more accurate and reliable location fix than any single service could offer alone.

This multi-source fusion is especially valuable in challenging environments where signals, such as urban canyons, indoor settings, or remote areas, are weak or obstructed. The result is a robust and dependable positioning solution that meets the demands of even the most complex scenarios.

Flexible Position Data Forwarding to Subscriber Clients

The Traxmate Location Controller is designed to be the central hub for your positioning data. It can forward resolved positions to one or multiple subscriber clients. Unlike traditional systems where positioning services only respond to API requests, the TLC actively pushes location data to your designated clients, ensuring they always have the most up-to-date information.

This feature is essential for real-time applications where delays or outdated data could have substantial consequences, such as emergency response, real-time tracking, or dynamic resource management.

Optimized Device Power Usage and Accuracy with Dynamic Service Selection

In settings where power efficiency is crucial alongside accuracy, the Traxmate Location Controller excels by dynamically choosing the most suitable positioning service in real time. By analyzing the data transmitted from the device, the controller optimizes accuracy by intelligently selecting from available services based on present conditions. If the device supports remote control, the TLC can actively regulate it and, for example, deactivate GNSS when more efficient alternatives are accessible, thereby reducing power usage.

These features are particularly beneficial for battery-powered devices and IoT applications where maximizing battery life without sacrificing performance is crucial. With the TLC, you can ensure your devices operate efficiently while providing the highest accuracy possible.

Robust Security with Authorization and Authentication

Security is a top priority in any location-based service. The Traxmate Location Controller has robust authorization and authentication mechanisms to protect your data. By ensuring that only authorized users and devices can access the system, the controller safeguards your positioning data from unauthorized access and potential breaches. 

This high level of security is essential for applications where data integrity and privacy are crucial, such as in healthcare, financial services, or high-security environments. With Traxmate, you can trust that your location data is secure, reliable, and protected.

Powerful Device Management

Traxmate provides a robust framework for managing a diverse range of devices by categorizing them into specific types, each with shared attributes and data-handling processes. This approach allows for consistent and efficient management of devices with different capabilities but shares common characteristics, such as the type of data they transmit—whether location coordinates like latitude and longitude or sensor readings like temperature and battery levels.

Administrators can customize device management by adding relevant details such as vendor information, connectivity or radio technology, firmware versions, and device modes. This customization ensures that the incoming data is correctly interpreted and presented to align with the use case, making monitoring and managing devices at scale easier.

Additionally, all device types have custom processing rules determining how devices operate within the system. These rules provide detailed control over device operations, enabling precise adjustments based on the specific requirements of your deployment. Furthermore, for device types that accept remote commands, Traxmate allows for real-time updates to device settings, enhancing the flexibility and responsiveness of your device management strategy. This combination of organization, customization, and control makes Traxmate a powerful tool for managing complex and varied device ecosystems.

Rules, events, and alerts

Traxmate provides a powerful alert and notification system that allows users to create specific conditions, known as rules, which trigger alerts or actions. These rules can be based on events such as entering a geofenced area or a device changing status. Users can customize alerts by specifying the triggering event, the rationale, timing, and recipients. Events can also initiate actions or be sent to users or external services through subscriptions using integration methods like Email, SMS, Push Notifications, or HTTP requests.

Integrations are crucial in relaying alerts and events to the appropriate channels. For example, email integration enables events to be dispatched via a configurable email server using predefined templates. Similarly, SMS integration sends messages to SMS-enabled devices, while HTTP integration forwards events to external servers. MQTT integration permits users to subscribe to specific data topics from Traxmate, and conversely, Traxmate can subscribe to external MQTT servers and process incoming data based on predefined rules.

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