
Connect to LORIOT LoRaWAN Network Server​


LORIOT LoRaWAN Network Server (LNS) supports every LoRaWAN® Gateway and sensor in the market.

Here is a guide on how to connect to Loriot.

Add a Network

Networks are simply a collection of LoRaWAN gateways. They provide an efficient environment for monitoring and managing gateways.

When adding a new gateway, it needs to be assigned to a network, It can be either by itself or with a collection of other gateways.

A typical method to group gateways into networks is by geographic location, model, client, or whatever structure works best for you.

There are no restrictions on how many gateways can be included in a network (as long as they are within the account gateway limit), but each gateway can only belong to a single network.

Add your first Gateway

Start your LoRaWAN network by adding your first Gateway! You can also follow Loriot’s step-by-step register a Gateway or Base Station guide to get started.

We create a gateway (Basics Station Semtech) here as an example. Navigate to, then click the network you just added. Click Add Gateway.

On the bottom half of the page a list of gateways will appear, select the relevant gateway model by clicking on its picture. The eth0 MAC address (six octets separated by colons) must be entered to register the Gateway.

Finally, its location can be set up in two different ways: manually selecting a location on the map or filling out the required information to register the address.


Configure your gateway certificate

In the Certificate page you will find the Network Server Address, Network Server Port, and will be able to download or copy the TLS CA Certificate in order to configure your gateway model.

In your gateway’s user interface, select “LoRa Basics Station” as the mode of operation. Please be sure to configure the address, port, and server certificate using the information obtained in the last step. This is to establish the connection between the gateway and the LORIOT Network Management System.

Go back to the LORIOT´S UI and verify that your LoRa Basics™ Station is now online and properly functioning with the LORIOT Network Management System.

Add an Application

Applications are simply where we register, manage, and organize devices and select the output destination for the device data. When adding a new device(s), it is assigned to an application, this informs the server of the application your device(s) are registered within and the details of your chosen data output.

Any number of devices, regardless of sensor type or manufacturer, can be added to an application as long as the total number doesn’t exceed the user’s account limit.

Typically, an application will contain all the devices with a specific use case (e.g., all sensors in a smart building) or devices of the same type (e.g., temperature sensors).

Add your first device

In this guide, we use SenseCAP T1000 Tracker

Click Enroll Device

The LORIOT Network Server supports LoRaWAN 1.0.x and 1.1 devices. Devices can be added via two different enrollment processes. OTAA (Over-The-Air-Activation) is the recommended option for most devices, but ABP (activation by personalization) is also available. After successfully connecting to the Tracker using SenseCAP Mate App Bluetooth, you can obtain OTAA information on this tab.

Set the platform to other platform, and then copy the Device EUI/APP EUI/APP Key.

Finally, Select Enroll. Once you have added your device(s), you will be able to see the data stream on Loriot.

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