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Evaluation tool for Semtech devices using ​ Traxmate Cloud Locator + LoRa Edge™

LoRa position resolver in Traxmate

Traxmate Cloud Locator is the easiest way to experience firsthand the accuracy and power consumption of LoRa Edge™ for device tracking in any IoT vertical!

Traxmate Cloud Locator GNSS resolver

Easy to Set Up as 1, 2, 3, (4)

Traxmate Cloud Locator helps you evaluate the accuracy and power consumption of LoRa Edge for asset tracking in any IoT segment. It gives you real-life insight into how LoRa Edge can work for your use case.


Traxmate enrolls the device,
enabling viewing the location
on the map


Use Traxmate Site Manager
to create accurate Indoor Positioning
(License fee)

What Makes LoRa Edge so Powerful?

Semtech LoRa Edge is an ultra-low-power platform that integrates a long-range LoRa® transceiver, multi-constellation scanner, and passive WiFi AP MAC address scanner. It targets GNSS asset management applications.

Ultra low-power geolocation

Significantly reduced power consumption via Cloud-based solvers extends device battery life up to 10 years.

Complete connectivity and coverage everywhere

Combining indoor Wi-Fi scanning with GNSS outdoor scanning guarantees continuous tracking of your devices throughout warehouses, stores, office buildings, and anywhere in between.

Full service flexibility and ecosystem support

Tracking your devices and building your own custom application is made incredibly easy thanks to a solid ecosystem of hardware vendors, systems integrators and Cloud platforms. Interested in building your own application for your asset tracking use case? Unlock the full power of LoRa Edge. Visit for more information.

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Stay updated with the latest developments. Learn how to build location-aware applications.

LoRa Edge app from Semtech

You will find the Join EUI and App key in
the LoRa Edge Config app from Semtech

Semtech DevEUI label

You will find the DevEUI number on the label of the device